Some courses I learned during my PhD and master study.
= Requirements/Instructions = Codes = Github repository = Python code
= My solutions (pdf file) = Slides = Data = LaTeX file
2018 Spring Courses@University of Exeter
Fluid Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
ECMM719, Lead by Prof. Geoffrey Vallis
This course introduces the basic knowledge about fluid dynamics of atmospheres and oceans. Specific topics include equations of motion in a rotating frame of reference, shallow water systems, Boussinesq equations, vorticity and potential vorticity, quasi-geostrophic and planetary geostrophic equations, Rossby waves, baroclinic instability, wave-mean flow interaction, theory of the surface westerlies.
- Probelm Set 1 (10%, due on 26th February 2018)
- Probelm Set 2 (10%, due on 26th March 2018)
- Final exam (80%, May 2018)
Modelling the Weather and Climate
ECMM723, Lead by Prof. F. Hugo Lambert, Prof. Bob Beare and Dr. George Efstathiou
This module gives an introduction to both complex and simple models of weather and climate. Topics include simple models of climate change, radiation transfer, the sensitivity of climate to external forcing, interpreting climate model predictions, numerical methods and sub-grid processes.
2017 Fall Courses@University of Exeter
The Climate System
ECMM725, Lead by Dr. Tim Jupp
This module introduces the key physical processes determining the behaviour of the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean. Topics include radiative energy transfer, the structure, motion and thermodynamics of the atmosphere and ocean, the surface energy balance, and the main components of the general circulation (Hadley cells, Walker cells, jet streams etc.).
- Probelm Set 1 (due on 15th November 2017)
- Probelm Set 2 (due on 17th January 2018)
- Probelm Set 3 (due on 24th January 2018)
2015 Spring Courses@Tsinghua University
Introduction to High Performance Computing
Lead by Prof. Xiaomeng Huang, Prof. Haohuan Fu and Prof. Shiming Xu
This course is about the basic knowledge of high performance computing, including MPI, FPGA and GPU (CUDA).
- Shell/awk
- Shallow Water Wave Code Reading - Serial Version
- Basic Functions in MPI
- Collective Communication in MPI
- Shallow Water Wave Code Reading - Parallel Version
- Basic Knowledge about FPGA
Course Project See the Research section
Reference: WAIS Divide Project Members. Precise interpolar phasing of abrupt climate change during the last ice age. Nature, 2015, 520 (7549): 661–665. doi:10.1038/nature14401.
Data science and Big Data Processing
Lead by Prof. Xiaomeng Huang, Prof. Haohuan Fu and Prof. Shiming Xu
This course is about the basic knowledge of statistics, machine learning and a little introduction to deep learning. In addition, we have learned some traditional and advanced data processing method.
- Basic Statistics
- Clustering of Iris data using K-means
- Clustering of Iris data using Navie Bayes
- Clustering of Iris data using KNN
- Handwritten Digits Recognition using MNIST Database
Mid-term Paper Reading Presentation
Alessandro Lusci, Gianluca Pollastri and Pierre Baldi. Deep Architectures and Deep Learning in Chemoinformatics: The Prediction of Aqueous Solubility for Drug-Like Molecules. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2013, 53: 1563-1575. doi: 10.1021/ci400187y.
Introduction to Earth System Model
Lead by Prof. Bin Wang
This course introduces the basic dynamical equations in general circulation models and numerical algorithms for their solutions, physical, chemical and biological processes and their parameterization schemes in various component models, including atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land surface.
Mid-term Paper Reading Presentation
Bin Wang. An Explicit Multi-Conservation Finite-Difference Scheme for Shallow-Water-Wave Equation. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2008, 26(3): 404-409. link
2014 Fall Courses@Tsinghua University
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Lead by Prof. Yong Luo
This course introduces the dynamical properties of the large scale atmospheric and oceanic motions and the interaction between them, i.e. the dynamic behaviors of geophysical fluid under conditions of gravitation, rotation, stratification and viscosity, which include inviscid shallow-water theory, friction and viscous flow, homogeneous model of the wind driven oceanic circulation and quasi-geotropic motion of a stratified fluid on a sphere.
Mid-term Paper Reading Presentation
Shi Jiang, Fei-fei Jin, and Michael Ghil. Multiple Equilibria, Periodic, and Aperiodic Solutions in a Wind-Driven, Double-Gyre, Shallow-Water Model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 1995, 25: 764-786. doi:10.1175/1520-0485(1995)025<0764:MEPAAS>2.0.CO;2.
Climate Dynamics Seminar
Lead by Prof. Jonathon Wright, Prof. Yanluan Lin and Prof. Fanghua Xu
The materials of the seminar are from the blog of Isaac M. Held. Here are the Syllubus and Schedule.
My presentations (In English) in class:
Post 49 & 50: Volcanoes and the Transient Climate Response [Evaluation from Prof. Wright]
I also wrote a short introduction of two-box model before class to help others understand.
Post 14: Surface salinity trends
Numerical Analysis
Lead by Prof. Zhongyi Huang
Lab Homework
- Linear Systems
- Iterative Method for Linear Systems
- Roots of Nolinear Equation(s)
- Interpolation
- Functions Approximation and Numerical Fitting
- Numerical Integration and Differentiation
MOOC Courses
2016.01 Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics, ColumbiaX-DS101X, Columbia University.
2015.12 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science, MITx-6.00.2, MIT.
2015.12 Climate Change: The Science, UBCx: Climate1x, The University of British Columbia.
2015.10 Introduction to R Programming, Microsoft DAT204x.
2014.10 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, MITx-6.00.1x, MIT.
2014.09 Introduction to Linux, LinuxFoundationX-LFS101x.
2015.05 Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications, Brown University.
2014.10 Getting and Cleaning Data, Johns Hopkins University.
2014.09 Machine Learning, Stanford University.
2014.09 Preparation for Introductory Biology: DNA to Organisms, University of California, Irvine.
2014.07 The Data Scientists Toolbox, Johns Hopkins University.
2014.07 R Programming, Johns Hopkins University.
2014.06 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python, Rice University.
2016.07 Java Programming, Tsinghua University.
2015.01 Oral Communications for EFL Learners, Tsinghua University.
2014.12 Introduction to Psychology, Tsinghua University.
2014.06 Combinatorics, Tsinghua University.
2014.01 Data Structures: Part 1, Tsinghua University